Physical Fitness Test - Report Definitions
The "Healthy Fitness Zone1"
The FITNESSGRAM uses criterion-referenced standards to evaluate fitness performance. The standards were established by The Cooper Institute to represent a level of fitness that offers some degree of protection against diseases that result from sedentary living. Findings from current research based on the United States national norms have been used as the basis for establishing the FITNESSGRAM standards.
In 2011, aerobic capacity and body composition fitness areas are classified into three general areas: “in the healthy fitness zone (HFZ), “needs improvement,” and “needs improvement-high risk.” Performance for the other four fitness areas as well as previous years 2006–1999 is classified into two general areas: "HFZ" and "needs improvement." For charts of the HFZ standards for 2011, 2006-2010 and 1999-2005, see FITNESSGRAM Standards for Healthy Fitness Zone. All students should strive to achieve a score within the HFZ. It is possible that some students score above (i.e., exceed) the HFZ. For the purpose of this report, scores that exceed the HFZ are reported as meeting the standard (falling in the healthy fitness zone).
1 FITNESSGRAM and Healthy Fitness Zone are registered trademarks of The Cooper Institute.